Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Valentines week brought a flurry of activity to our house. 
 For the Valentines that the boys are giving to their friends, I used a template I found online.  I just had to print some sheets, cut them out and then have the boys sign their names and thread the glow sticks through.
Easy enough that neither of the boys complained once! Now that's progress compared to previous years!
 Next up were treat bags for Noah's Valentines Party at school. I snagged a few ideas off Pinterest and thankfully, they were simple enough for the three of us to work on together.
 The boys were excited to help and we had a great time with it.

Thank goodness there are only 20 kids in Noah's class. I wrapped up the project after the boys went to bed. Dip, sprinkle, repeat. 
 I don't think I've ever had so much pink and red in my house at one time. It was kind of fun, but also made me feel a bit dizzy.
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. The kids are going to love those valentines and treat bags!

  2. Cute ideas! Looks like they had fun.
