Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow Days part II

When snow was blowing around outside,
we hung out on the couch, 
and when that got old we got creative....thank you Pinterest for helping me find this fun idea:
milk jug toss.
 We had a ton of fun with this simple game.

  This morning when the snow had finished falling, we were amazed by the winter wonderland all around the house.
 The boys were thrilled to have snow day number 4, making a 6-day weekend for our family. We packed our tennis shoes in Levi's backpack to keep them dry, slipped our boots on and made our way over to the neighbor's house to play basement basketball.

 Grandpa made the over-the-door basketball goal work in the basement which gives us more space to play (and keeps it quieter upstairs....).
The boys think it's pretty amazing. 
After being inside for a while, it was time to head back outside to play some more .
 We shoveled, played, had snowball fights, walked through lots of deep snow, got tired and took a break. Then later on we built our families first snowman. Full disclosure: for a while that snowman even had some male parts....I totally live with boys. There was lots and lots of giggling about the snowman being a boy.

 Thankfully, the weather was warm so we could enjoy being outside.
 But, it's a lot of work to walk through snow and throw snowballs so eventually we had to go back inside.
 One more creative/Pinterest project to round out the afternoon.
 The celery stamp actually worked! And I'd never carved shapes out of potatoes to make stamps but that was really fun! Noah made this creation,
 and Levi claimed, "This is the best picture I'll ever paint."

We wrapped up snow day number four with more basement basketball and some kitchen dancing. Good times. It was wonderful to get a break from our normal routines, to watch the world around us change to all white, to slow down and spend more time together.
Now to get ourselves ready for a regular school/work day tomorrow.

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