Monday, February 18, 2013

Noah turns 7!

Happy 7th Birthday Noah! 
 Friday was Noah's birthday. Because of the music program on Valentine's Day, the classroom Valentine's parties happened on Friday at Noah's school. I arrived for the party, just as the kids were giving Ms. Goering a list of all the things they like about Noah, the birthday boy. It was so sweet to hear what the kids came up with to say about Noah: He's good at P.E., he's nice, he's good at soccer, he kicks the ball far, he runs fast, he's good at art, etc. The best part was seeing how proud Noah was.
 The party was a lot of fun! The kids in Noah's class are so sweet. They enthusiastically participated in all the activities we had planned for them and they listened so well. They loved the relay race!

  And of course, opening up their Valentine's was the best part of the party. They were so sweet - shouting thank-yous across the room to each other as they opened each Valentine.

 After school I took Noah to the Perk at Bethesda for a special birthday treat.  He chose a Cake Batter Blender - perfect for a birthday treat.
Then it was time for Noah to open his birthday presents from us. The movie "Cars" and walkie-talkies!

 And to round out the birthday, we went to McPherson for dinner and bowling - Noah's activity of choice.
 Noah did a lot better than when we bowled a year ago. And it was really, really interesting to watch the difference between Levi's ability and Noah's. They're only 22 months apart in age, but there's a big difference in their physical coordination and strength.
 The bowling alley had this simple contraption for the kids to use.

 Levi didn't always want to use the contraption, so sometimes he flung the ball down the lane all by himself.
 Noah did great! He got a few spares and felt the joy of victory
 and the agony of bowling inconsistency.
 My mom won. That's never just never know what'll happen, right mom?
 Noah amazes me daily. He's getting better and better at reading, he beats me in soccer and football, he's caring and sensitive, he pays attention to details and he wants to do his best and be kind. We love you Noah!

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