Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentine's Special

Good old Valentine's Day....the day that society says should be full of love. When in reality, that's not really how life works. However, this year it turned out to be lovely and special. Not a shower of love but definitely not normal either. Ben surprised me by taking me on a lunch date. 
Levi and Noah each made this special Valentine at Tara's house:
 Levi brought home a sack full of Valentine's from his preschool friends.
 The boys got valentine's in the mail from grandpa and grandma Schrag and my parents left valentine gifts on the kitchen table.
Noah had a school music program on Valentine's evening and Ben had basektball games to ref. But he left me a surprise: a bed of flowers and chocolate.  Whoa - what a surprise!
 After a quick dinner, the boys and I were off to the program. It was cute as can be and the kids did a great job!

I gave Ben a hand-colored note of love. I enjoyed coloring it and thankfully, he truly appreciated the effort I put into it. It's even tacked up near his dresser in our bedroom.
 It was a day full of love, indeed.

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