Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vacation - train to Chicago

Starting vacation at 1:45am is a rough time to start.  But that's what time Ben and I woke up on the 4th of July for our family vacation to Chicago. Thankfully, we tracked the train online and found out it was running about an hour late.  We actually left our house at 3am, but neither Ben nor I was able to sleep while we waited.  
 The boys instantly woke up when we grabbed them from their beds.  They were so excited to get on the train!  The train arrived at about 4am and it turned out that our timing was just right.

 Thankfully the boys weren't too loud when we got on the train and we managed to settle in quickly.
 We actually slept for a while and then around 6 or 7 we started to wake-up and figure out all the quirks of train life.
 We had a lovely ride and while there were moments of serious crankiness, we made it through the ride.  Thankfully, the boys slept for the last hour of the ride and that made for a wonderful end of the ride for me and Ben.
 We arrived at Union Station around 4pm on the 4th of July and it felt so good to get off the train and walk around!  The train was cold, the station was hot and outside the station was even hotter!  Thankfully, Uncle Andy quickly arrived to pick us up and take us to his apartment.
We ate dinner at Andy's and hung out before heading to bed.  Ahhhhh, the end of day one - a heck of a long day!

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