Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The small things

Sometimes it's the small things that bring a smile. That red barn makes me smile every time I see it. 
 Funfetti birthday cake for Ben - it's his favorite and the simplicity and color works for me (thanks mom for making the cake this time around!).
 The variety of color our tomatoes give to the top of our washing machine. I pick them as soon as they start to turn from green to orange and let them ripen inside. The cantelope in the background doesn't make me smile - I accidentally made it partially detach from the vine and knew I had to go ahead and pick it - way too early.
 I found a lid for one of my sugar bowls for only $5.  It was such an exciting find!
 Sometimes, it truly is the little things in this world that make all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. The barn is gorgeous. All she needs now is a quilt!
