Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Corn Harvest

I heard on the radio yesterday that this is the earliest corn harvest on record in Kansas.  Makes sense since we had the earliest wheat harvest, too.  
Levi helped get the combine ready for harvest. It was a team effort.

It's amazing how the boys can sometimes totally ignore how hot and dusty it is.  Thankfully they just go on  playing and having fun no matter what.  The adults, however, notice the ridiculously hot weather.

And the boys are thrilled (that's an understatement) with the harvest action that they get to participate in.

Last night we hung out at the field for a while.  It was a comfortable evening of riding, looking for missed ears of corn and more riding along.

Just before dark they wrapped up at one field and my dad had enough time to move to the next field.  Since he planned to leave the combine out there, I stuck around to give him a ride back to the farm.  So, while he picked one round around the edge of the field I spent time snapping more photos.
This was the lone flower in sight from where I was.  There was dried out corn all around me, a dirt road and weeds in the ditches and just this one flower.  Ok, so technically this flower is a weed as well, but I enjoy a ditch full of these sunshiny beauties so I consider it a flower.

And so harvest continues on today...an underwhelming harvest, but with the heat and drought we've had we're happy to have corn to pick.


  1. Yes, sunflowers are FLOWERS. I always said so too, and my father in law would look at me over the top of his glasses.
