Thursday, January 27, 2011

It must be winter

because I don't take very many photos in winter. Being inside, home when it's dark outside and spending more time settling arguments then playing equal few photos.

I chose these random shots to share with you. They're not quite in the order I had wanted...but this will work.

I've had strep throat this week, we ate delicious (and very easy) chicken curry and we're looking forward to temps in the mid-60s tomorrow! We plan to make the most of the warmth while it's here - maybe I'll even snap a few photos! ;-)

Oh, and Levi's favorite word at the moment is "prolly" (probably). He uses it all the time - "I'm prolly gonna want some lotion," he told me this morning. A little bit later he said, "I'm prolly gonna need some hair gel, too." Unfortunately he yells, "You're not the one in charge!" just about as often....we're working on settling the power-struggle.

1 comment:

  1. Love the top pic of the boys together! Brothers have a special bond. :)
