Friday, June 21, 2013

Around the garden

Gardening this spring and summer has felt challenging. Granted, for the most part, I don't know what I'm doing. This is only our second year gardening. We're still learning as we go - which is a lot of the fun of gardening - but that doesn't mean it's easy.
 The dill returned from last year, a lovely surprise.
 The cucumbers, after a couple re-plantings, are starting to hold on and grow up.
 The chickens continue to grow and explore the farm yard.

 The zinnia seeds I planted are about ready to bloom. Why their leaves are yellowish I don't know. When I planted them I had such high hopes, then they took so long to grow. They were trampled by cats and dogs and bugs but finally, most of them are about to pop open with flowers.
 I have one zucchini plant that is growing (and another one trying to decide if it'll grow or not), but at least twice a day I check it for squash bugs - having found at least 25 already - knowing they will take this plant down if I don't keep a close eye on it.
 Other flowers are starting come into their own. It's taken so long for them to start branching out.
 The onions in the garden sported some beautiful blooms this week. I hear I'm not supposed to let them bloom because it wastes energy that should be going into making big onions. That certainly makes sense, but I still think the bloom, with it's soft onion scent is lovely.
So far from the garden we've enjoyed basil, cilantro and a handful of onions are drying. I've replanted pumpkin seeds three of four times. I planted cantaloupe seeds two or three times before finally just buying a plant and sticking it in the ground. Finally after a couple seed attempts I have a couple watermelon plants growing. Like I said, a slow start but hopefully things will take off now and start growing and producing like I think they should.

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