Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Climbing Rocks & Feasting

I have to admit, while we drove out to Out of Africa on Wednesday morning I was surprised to find out that Phoenix is surrounded by mountains. I felt kind of dumb for knowing that prior to arriving. So, on Thursday morning when we took the boys to a park I didn't give it a thought that there would be rocks there to climb.  Clearly I'm a prairie person. Regardless of poor shoe choices we climbed some rocks anyways!
Grandpa and Noah climbed a tall rock!
Ok, ok, ok....it wasn't actually that tall. But it gave a decent view of the city and Noah felt pretty good about climbing so high.
Looking down on the park - gives a sense of the dessert, right?

Our Thanksgiving meal wasn't scheduled until dinner time on Thursday so we had all afternoon to fill with two energetic boys.  Painting their toenails and fingernails filled up a bit of that time.

Good job Aunt Sara!
We did lots and lots of coloring. Levi even left a turkey or two taped up on the wall in Sara and Josh's house.
Finally it was time to get our Thanksgiving feast cooking. The Schrag family doesn't do turkey for Thanksgiving - this year we did kabobs - LOTS of kabobs!
Andy and Lia arrived and provided extra entertainment for the boys.
And then finally all the work was complete and it was time to eat! Fatty Potatoes, stuffing, fruit salad, kabobs and pie!
The food was DE-licious and it was great to sit outside on the patio to enjoy our Thanksgiving meal.

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