Thursday, August 23, 2012

Two firsts today

The first day of First Grade!
He was actually OK with me taking photos of him this morning so I took full advantage! 
 Cowlico is his kitten so he wanted a few photos with it (I don't know if Cowlico's a boy or girl). When Noah named his kitten he said it was black and white like a cow, so it should be called Cowlico - hence the spelling. Little Gracie wanted in the photos too.
 Noah admitted to feeling nervous last night, but this morning he seemed pretty relaxed, confident and excited to go back to school.
 His backpack has two key chains on it from my parents' recent trip to Ecuador.  The cowboy boot is by far the favorite.
 When we got to the school he was really slow to get out of the car. He wouldn't admit to feeling nervous, but I know he was.  After I gave him a hug and kiss and he yawned and stretched for a bit (something he did every day before being dropped off last year) then he opened the door and went for it!
 His report to me this evening was that his teacher was actually very nice (like he was surprised), that he'll have homework, that he gets two recesses, he can have his own water bottle at his desk and that the toilet in their bathroom won't flush on its own before he wants it to. Apparently, this was a big problem for him last year in the Kindergarten bathroom. :-)
I feel proud of him and am continually amazed at how big and grown up he is.

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