Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Food & Fence for the Ladies

Call us crazy, but we started growing some food for our chickens. Sprouts and meal worms to be exact. I forgot to snap a photo of the worms, but we currently have a big rubber container in our sun room with worms crawling around in it. 
I have to admit, the sprouts are more eye catching than the worms. 
 We purchased a set of trays designed for growing sprouts and after soaking the seeds for a few hours, then spreading them out in the trays and watering them regularly,
 we ended up with a clump of yummy sprouts. These are exactly the kind of sprouts humans eat too, so if we want to add them to a salad or sandwich we certainly could.
 The Ladies were very curious, but tentative at first.
 Then they figured it out and dug in! We're hoping to get a good rotation going on the spouts so that every few days during the winter we have some fresh greens to feed them. It's kind of crazy, because they'd be fine simply eating feed like they did last winter. But we're enjoying growing the food and watching the chickens enjoy it.
 And speaking of the chickens - while Ben's family was here for Thanksgiving we started putting up a fence around our future garden to keep the Ladies OUT. :-)
 Without too much trouble, Tim, Ben and Andy got all the post holes dug (the skid steer hole digger attachment sure made quick work of that!)
 and then set the posts in concrete.
 Levi and I hung around for moral support...
 and once the concrete has cured more we'll attach the fencing to the posts and call it good!
Now to start planning out this new garden space!

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