Monday, December 8, 2014

Epp Thanksgiving

My energy has shifted toward Christmas and I nearly forgot I had these photos from our Epp Thanksgiving gathering! Unfortunately, I snapped very, very few photos that day - probably because there was lots of commotion and I was more interested in visiting with family than snapping pictures. 
My Aunt Patricia led the kids in a craft - an activity she started doing each Thanksgiving several years ago - and it's now become a tradition. She helped each kid make an ornament showing off their group photo from last Easter. 
 It was a crowded table, but none of the kids seemed to notice let alone mind.
 The younger kids worked hard at following the directions while the older kids breezed through. It's always fun to listen to the kids as they work together.
 And then the older boys headed outside (to brave the cold north wind that was whipping around) to play some football and the younger kids found the dress-up clothes! I LOVE the look Delaney is giving - pure diva. :-)
We ate a wonderful meal together, visited, relaxed and watched football. It was great to be together - we see each other often at church and around the community but it's not too often that we actually get time together to visit and laugh.

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