Friday, July 18, 2014


Gardening is the same as farming right? Just on a smaller scale....that's how I think of it. We knew we wouldn't have as much time and energy for the garden this year with the new house being built and all. So we only planted potatoes, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, green beans, okra and cucumbers. I'm really missing not having pumpkins growing. So as gardening goes...things didn't turn out quite like I had planned. Half of the onions didn't come up, the ones that did grow were OK but kinda small (I think I pulled them too early) and then while they were drying out in the garage the kittens used them as a bathroom - nice. So the onions were nearly a complete bust. The potatoes on the other hand did well! We have lots of potatoes...lots and lots of them. :-)
 The green beans I planted weren't actually green beans. They turned out to be some sort of cross between snap peas and green beans. They don't taste good and they're chewy. So for now the only purpose for our green bean/peas is a kitten playground.
Speaking of kittens. Mama Chuckles has her hands paws full these days. Three of her own, plus the four MCC kittens makes for one big batch of little ones. 
 The chickens have learned how to hop the fence and have eaten quite a few cucumbers and tomatoes. It's maddening!
 In actual farming news, we're relieved to see rows of beans sprouting in the fields.
 And we're encouraged by the way the corn is growing.
After the depressing wheat harvest, it's a relief to see the fall crops growing.

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