Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring yard work

Every spring we have one major task to take care of in our yard - trim the pampas grass and rose bushes. This year we added in cutting back our barberry bushes. I failed to take a "before" photo, but here's an "after".
In several weeks, these bushes will take off and before we know it they'll be just as big as they were before we cut them! It amazes me every summer how fast they grow back.
The worst part is that all the plants we have to work on are really hard on our hands. The pampas grass cuts (I have a scar on my hand from last year) and the thorns from the roses and barberry poke through leather gloves. It's tedious work because I'm very careful to get each little branch picked up. It's bad news when somebody gets a thorn in the bottom of their foot while playing barefoot in the front yard.

Thankfully, the hardware store has an electric trimmer we can rent for the day and my dad has a truck we can borrow for a day! Otherwise, this project would drag on and on and on. Plus, we totally lucked out that the neighbor girls were outside and willing to take Noah to the park while Levi took a nap.

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