Thursday, May 30, 2013

2 wheels...only

Levi has been stubborn about keeping training wheels on his bike. We decided not to fight him on it because we knew that eventually he'd get tired of the complications that training wheels add to bike riding. He couldn't keep up with Noah like he wanted to and his back tire would spin uselessly on uneven surfaces because his training wheels kept it elevated. Plus, what little brother doesn't want to be able to do everything his older brother can do?!
 So last weekend, Levi was out at the shed with Ben and Noah's bike was out there. It was time to come back to the house and Levi didn't want to walk so Ben suggested he hop on Noah's bike. That sounded like a great plan to Levi, as long as Ben would hold on to him while he pedaled so he wouldn't fall. Levi took off and after a little bit Ben let go, but stayed right by his side. After a while, Ben told him that he wasn't holding on and that Levi was riding all by himself.
 Levi shrieked with pride and excitement! He made sure everyone on the farm knew what he'd just done. Quickly the training wheels were removed from his bike and he was pedaling all over the farm. He had trouble keeping upright when he'd forget to keep pedaling, but he always stood right up and kept working at it! By the end of the evening he was pedaling standing up and going down hills and looking like a kid who'd been training wheel free for weeks!
Levi's realizing the freedom of having just two wheels on a bike and enjoying it.
No more training wheels for this family, we can check that one off the list. Now on to family bike rides in the country!

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for Levi! I can't wait to go on a bike ride you!
