Sunday, December 23, 2012

1st Grade Christmas

The elementary school Christmas program is a special time. It's fascinating to watch the children and equally fun to hear them sing. 
 Noah told me over and over before his program, "Mom, you're really gonna like the program. We've got some really fun songs to sing!"  And he was right. They had fun songs and it was clear that all the kids enjoyed singing.
 Levi did a fine job of alternating between listening, eating Golfish crackers and drawing on the dry erase board.
 Then Noah gave us a tour of his classroom, starting with his very, very organized desk.  He explained to me that his desk is always clean, just not always this organized.

 He proudly took me around the room to show me every area and every thing he had made.
 Cousin Austin was there, too! He kept Levi busy during part of the classroom tour.
 It was a lovely evening and very fun to see Noah beaming with pride.


  1. I am amazed at your organized desk, Noah! Wow - I approve!

    1. Anonymous above happens to be Aunt Pat.
