Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Noah's Birthday

Noah's birthday celebration was spread out and lasted more than a week! Lucky kid.
 We surprised Noah with a family night to see the Harlem Globetrotters in Wichita. We ate at the restaurant of Noah's choice - Buffalo Wild Wings - before the Globetrotters.
 I snapped these few photos with my phone so there's no zoom going on, but we had great seats and really enjoyed the show. Those guys and lady sure know how to put on a show!
 We wondered if Levi would enjoy it, since he usually doesn't enjoy watching basketball, but he was more taken with the antics and drama of the Globetrotter show than Noah was. :-)

Noah's birthday fell on President's Day this year, a day with no school, so he celebrated in his classroom on the Friday before his birthday (which was also Valentine's party day).
 I went to school in time to eat lunch with Noah and then hung out until it was time for their Valentine's party to start. Noah has started to be a real pill to take photos of. He either has a total "blah" look on his face, or he tries to act like I'm not taking a picture by looking away or down.
 Lunch was great and sitting with Noah's friends was certainly interesting. Plus, I got to make eyes across the cafeteria with Levi. See him way over there? :-)
 Noah's birthday treat request to share with his class was brownies with caramel sauce. That sounded like a mess waiting to happen, so I found a recipe that was basically brownies with a layer of caramel in the middle. Thankfully, Noah approved of them!
 In his classroom, his teacher put up this special Noah-specific birthday greeting and let Noah pick any song. Then, after kids were done eating most of them got up and started dancing. It was so fun to watch him and his 4th grade friends have fun.
Other highlights of being in school with Noah - getting to walk to Keith's with his class for a special treat (I learned all sorts of interesting tidbits about Noah's classmates during that walk!) and getting a sneak peak of the concert they'll give later this week.
 After school, Noah had Klay and Layne come over. They played, ate a bunch of tacos for supper and then played some more. At 9 we brought the party to a close and took the boys home.
Sunday evening we celebrated both Noah and Rylee with a menu of their choosing, followed by cake!
 This is blurry photo of Noah, but I just love how great my mom looks in the background. :-)
 He got a new baseball game for the PlayStation, a couple of Royals hats, a WSU Shocker t-shirt and a KU t-shirt. He was through the roof! And the next morning, after sleeping until after 9 (thank goodness he didn't have school, clearly he was tired!) he started playing baseball right away.
 He didn't really want me to take his picture, but I love the way his eyes look right after he wakes up.
 For better or worse, we took advantage of him not having school and snuck in a trip to the audiologist. He needs new ear molds (the part that is currently green, but the next set will be blue and grey) because he's outgrown his current set. So, since it was his actual birthday we let him pick a restaurant again and this time Applebee's was the winner. He loves their cheeseburgers and fries.
The boys had been asking to go to Costco so we went, and then headed for home. It was a gorgeous day! Little wind, warm temps and sunshine so we spent time outside playing a family game of basketball. Noah asked for meatballs and scalloped potatoes for supper and that's what he got. Just before bed he was having a piece of peanut butter toast and I realized he hadn't had a single candle to blow out on his actual birthday, so I stuck one in his toast, lit it and waited for him to think of a wish. Finally he thought of just the right wish and blew out his birthday candle. So far he reports that 10 feels the same as 9....

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