Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Catching Up

Winter, in this season of our family's life, is a time that tends to feel slower. If you ask me what we've been up to, I'd likely tell you, "Not much, just normal day-to-day life." But when I stop and think about it, we're usually fairly busy. Each week has at least two busy nights and we always manage to fill our weekends with one thing or another.
Basketball is certainly an activity that keeps our family busy in winter. Not only with Ben travelling to every corner (literally) of the state to ref college women's basketball and his full high school officiating schedule, but for the boys too. One Sunday we met up with friends to play ball and the boys play either in the house or out on the driveway almost daily.
 When the mood strikes, the boys get in their minds that we should explore around the farm,
 jump bales,
 and break ice.

 The ladies of the farm are busy as usual - making eggs, making messes...
 Levi and I found a day to invite a friend over to play. It was something I'd told him he could do for his birthday, but time got away from us and we finally made it happen. He requested chocolate cupcakes with bright yellow frosting for the occasion.
 He had a great time with his friend Anthony, they are very goofy together. :-)
 Noah's team wrapped up their biddy basketball season. I'm not sure how many games they won, but I know they showed a lot of improvement and always worked hard.
 I heard about a train show in Wichita so the boys and I invited my parents to come along to check it out. We had a great time!
 It was interesting to see the different sizes of model trains that exist and to enjoy the creativity that people put into their displays.
 Winter has included a fair amount of rest this year. More than once I've found these two sleeping on the couch this winter.
 Wilbur is actually way too big to sit on anyone's lap, but that doesn't stop him from trying. :-)
 Levi and I snuck in the Kansas Day activities at Kaufman Museum this year just before he had a birthday party to go to. It was fun to be there with just one kid, so I could concentrate on him and enjoy watching him. The old fashioned playground games continue to be a challenge, but each year they're a little less awkward.
 The boys find ways to play basketball, if it's too dark and windy and rainy outside, they just bring the hoop inside the garage!
 Anthony got to come over another day after school and look what a mess Levi got himself into! Honestly, Levi had already done the same thing to Anthony, and it was all a hilarious adventure to them.
 I got a pedometer, mostly because I wanted to see how many steps I took in a normal day. Well, that proved to be depressing! We're supposed to walk 10,000 steps a day - and a normal work day, even with exercising in the morning, only ends up around 5 to 6,000 for me. So, when I have time, I've been taking walks with Wilbur. The pedometer is actually a good motivator to move more, so that's been interesting.
 The other day my dad, the boys and I went to watch Ben ref a college game. As usual, it was very interesting - you just never know what will happen during a basketball game. Seriously, I have no idea how he does what he does.
That's the update from around here. Oh there's more I could share....about how boys hate taking showers, solutions to stinky feet, learning about being respectful, encouraging the boys to stick up for each other and to be kind to one another, but I'll spare you the details since it's mostly the usual stuff that comes along with parenting.

1 comment:

  1. Have the boys seen my dad's train in the basement? It looks like the train show ones he is so amazing!
