Friday, October 11, 2013

Garden Goodness

It's October and my tomato and pepper plants are looking better than they have all summer (which for the tomatoes isn't saying much because they're still not looking too good). 
 The pumpkin vines look terrible, but I had already harvested eight or nine pumpkins, but two more remained ripening on the vine.
 The day after I took that photo, the chickens thoroughly devoured both of the pumpkins. All that remains are the rinds.
The corn stalk leaves surround everything on the yard. They blow to south, then to the north, swirl and then get stuck on something. The chickens have all but stripped the green bean plants, although somehow there are still green beans growing on them. Oddly enough, the chickens don't eat the green beans.

Thankfully, all the wheat has been planted. Now we just need a nice rain to get the seeds off to a good start.
Lantana - one of the few flowers that seems to be chicken proof. 
I've got lettuce growing under a protective cage - no chickens allowed.
I decided to make pesto - even though I was short pine nuts and cheese. I cut the basil plants and brought them inside to clean the leaves and also brought in quite a few insects.
The pesto turned out well! I froze it in ice cube trays so I can use it throughout the winter.
Just this afternoon I dug up my sweet potatoes and pulled out the pumpkin vines. I was so hopeful for big, yummy sweet potatoes but nope. I found around six potatoes that were about two inches in diameter. So while there have been lots of garden successes this year, sweet potatoes continue to be a challenge.

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