Sunday, July 14, 2013


Swimming lessons - a staple of summertime. I'm glad to say we've completed ours for the summer. It's just one more thing to check off the list of parental responsibilities. 
 The boys loved taking swimming lessons. They think it's all fun and games, but they're truly learning a lot. In addition to the basic swimming moves, they're also learning to trust themselves in the water, what their boundaries are and just how much power their little muscles possess.
 Ashlee Pauls did a great job teaching the boys.
Noah doesn't like diving (I can't blame him, I've always hated diving) and it was interesting to watch him try. He often went in crooked and almost never got his feet up high enough to ensure a clean dive. He looked timid. I felt like I was watching my timid-self from way back trying to learn to dive.

 Levi improved a lot during his swimming lessons. He's quite confident in the water - unless he can't touch the bottom of the pool. If he can't touch he freaks out. I don't quite understand why because he'll dive underwater to retrieve toys from the bottom of the pool and even tried a hand stand. But he thinks none of that is possible if he can't touch the bottom.

 It's amazing to see them improve, grow and learn.
Swimming lessons: check.

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