Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dish love

It was a treat to spend a day with my mom last week. We went out to Paramount Antique Mall in Wichita and found lots of fun treasures- most of which stayed at the store. I had intended to take my camera with me that day but forgot - look out for when I get my hands on a smart phone - there will be photos galore! 
Anyways.....I found some Harlequin dishes at bargain prices and couldn't pass them by. 
 I love these dishes. I fell for them 10 years ago when I was looking for vintage dishes to collect for Ben and I to use on a regular basis. I loved the colors and I loved their clean simple lines. Back then, my mom and I were shopping in Hutch and I found several pieces and decided I'd go for it. Now I've got tons of some pieces and many items I've never seen in person, let alone purchased.
I love walking through antique malls and flea markets and I especially love to find my dishes tucked into corners of crowded booths. It's even better when I find one labeled "colorful bowl". That's the best. Luckily this set of eight dishes is valued at about $60, but I paid only $25.
I ran them through the dishwasher and have been admiring them on my kitchen counter all day. Seriously, they make me smile.