Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Harvest wrapped up

 The 2012 harvest has officially wrapped up for our farm.  We're thankful that it was a safe harvest for our family.
 The boys learned more this year about the order of harvest and how all the pieces of a harvest fit together.  We had our struggles - the boys and I, that is - with our timing and how many rides they got on each piece of equipment and if they got a can of pop at town, etc.
 But would harvest be for our little boys if those items weren't of utmost concern?  At times we had more vehicles out at a field then people to drive them.  Here you can see the tractor pulling the grain cart, the combine, my aunt's car, my car, and 2 pick ups.  Lindsay's car (Austin's girlfriend) car was also there, just didn't make the photo.  Somehow, and sometimes really late at night, all the equipment came back to the farm.
 The boys watch everything that happens at harvest.  I marvel at how accurately they play "harvest" in the house now.  They "start" each piece of equipment with the precise sound the real engines make.
 They fight with authentic emotion and ownership if the other is "planting" or "harvesting" in the wrong  "field".  Their imaginations are fully engaged and sometimes they manage these arguments on their own....sometimes not.
Noah ended harvest with about a 12 hour day out on the field - he had a blast, but was totally worn out at the end of the day.
Now we're praying for rain!

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