Sunday, April 15, 2012

No more tomatoes

We had an eventful evening...or rather, we NEARLY had a VERY eventful evening.  
The weather folks have been building up the potential for severe weather for a couple of days.  Therefore, I've felt stressed by the thick humid air outside for days.  And, as it turns out, the weather people were actually right.  A tornado went about a mile east of the farm and we're so thankful that we're OK.
The boys and I were quite scared and Levi consistently talked about "tomatoes" instead of "tornados".
We drove around a bit, in the dark, after the storm passed to see if any of our neighbors needed help but as far as we could see everything was OK.  We'll see what new information daylight brings tomorrow.  Thank you Lord for keeping us safe tonight!


  1. We wondered about you last night, and were so relieved when Ben called. We had spent the day with Sara, Lia and Uncle Tomato in Chicago, and were on our way home on the train, watching the weather on my phone. Great trip for us!

  2. Glad you survived the tomatoes!! :)
