Thursday, January 1, 2015

Levi turns 7

How in the world can my little Levi be 7 already!?! 
His birthday fell on a Sunday this year and it also happened to be the day that worked for my extended family to gather for Christmas. We hosted the gathering, with Levi's permission, and we guaranteed that a birthday party for him would be part of the festivities. 
First of all, the day before his birthday he and I worked on his guitar birthday cake. The Goessel library has cake pans available for checking out and I lucked out that they had a guitar. I also lucked out that the cake came out of the pan perfectly! And when I could hold Levi off no longer, we slathered it with orange frosting - leaving some parts without frosting. He gave me all of these instructions with great detail and only after he repeated himself four times did I finally catch on to what he was telling me. 
 We filled the center circle with black frosting and he wanted the strings to be done with red.
 He was very careful and did all the red decorating by himself and then he doused it with sprinkles until he worried that he'd ruined it. I assured him that it wasn't ruined - it was perfect!
 Sunday morning was his big day! He chose to open his gifts before we left for church and he wasted no time diving into each package.
 He got a kite, a soccer ball, sketch pad and oil pastels and Pokemon cards (I don't understand the first little thing about those cards but he was very excited about them).
 Later that evening, when the family had all gathered he got to open more birthday gifts, and soak up all the attention he was getting!
 Then it was time for Christmas dinner!
 And not long after dinner, it was time for birthday cake with singing and candles and wishes and
 several big puffs of air!
 Finally, at nearly the end of the evening it was time for the kids to do their gift exchange. The adults all donated money to Camp Mennoscah in support of the new bath houses being built there.
The kids who wanted to, played pieces on our (teeny tiny) keyboard. Then it was gift time!
 Noah scored big with football pants with pads in them and a shirt with pads in it. He quickly disappeared after opening his gift and returned like this! Husker eye black under his eyes and all!
 A few days later Levi asked me to snap his photo in the pants too.
It was a fun day, with a lot of time and energy spent celebrating Levi. He's got more spunk then I know what to do with sometimes, but he's also caring, creative, smart and funny. We love you Levi!

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