Sunday, June 29, 2014

Swimming Lessons

Last week was swimming lesson week for the boys. They always look forward to them and this year was no exception. Addi, my cousin's daughter taught them at my aunt and uncle's pool. She's young, a rookie teacher, but she did a great job!
 The boys had a wonderful time with her and I KNEW that Addi is a pro at swimming. She's been on a swim team for years and is basically a fish (does that make her a mermaid?). :-)
 It turns out she's pretty good at teaching too!

 The boys are very easily distracted during lessons but Addi didn't give them a chance to mess around. She kept them moving from one thing to the next, gave them choices when she could and set good goals and boundaries.
 On Friday, the only day I could take the boys myself we forgot to take their swimming goggles with us! It was a near disaster for Levi but thankfully he finally accepted it. Although there was lots and lots of eye rubbing going on.
 Levi and Noah both gained a lot of confidence in the water. Levi is lacking a bit of coordination yet but he knows what to do and can at least hold his own for a little while in deep water.

 Here's Addi giving Levi a choice about what he wants to do - choices are the way to that kids' heart for sure.
 She had him jump off the board and swim to the ladder...
 and he did it! He's good at kicking, and using his arms to do the free style but he can't keep doing all of that and breathe...something for us to keep working on. :-)
 One of the biggest hazards of teaching lessons has to be the splashing, right Addi?!
 It was a great week and thanks to good planning we got all their lessons in even though it rained nearly every day last week!
Sign us up for next year Addi!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice positive post! Can you email a pic of each boy with Addi during lessons for her scrapbook? I think I was so distracted with chores during them I just forgot to bring my camera!
