Sunday, January 27, 2013

Progress....and cookies

The old chicken barn is keeping us busy. The poor old building was in such sad shape, and well if I'm being honest, it still is. But we're working on it and that feels good! Here's how she looks now:
A week ago, it looked like this:

 The other half of the building currently looks like this:
Calves lived in this half of the building and ever since the skid steer that fits inside it broke down it hasn't been cleaned out. But, that old skid steer is up and running again and fifteen years later this space is getting cleaned out too.
Hauling all that old dust and straw out was a major endeavor. It took Ben and I a couple hours to shovel it all out. I'm not sure I've ever been so dusty and thought it was worth documenting:
 The kittens from the hayloft have been brought down to our garage. They're skittish but only because they've only known the straw world of the hayloft.

 I rarely make cookies. Drop cookies just take too long. I don't have patience to bake pan after pan of cookies. But on Saturday, I went for it.
 The boys in my house enjoyed cleaning out the bowl. Who knows how much longer it'll be until drop cookies happen again at our house.

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