Monday, December 13, 2010

Time's Flying

Life - for all of us - seems to fly during the holiday season and that has been especially true for us this year. The last time I uploaded photos from my camera was Nov. 28! A LOT has happened since then, but most of it was not captured in photos.

Waaaayyyy back on Dec. 4, my mom and I decorated a table for the women's Christmas brunch at church. 17 tables were decorated that day, all by different women, each with it's own story and unique holiday sparkle.
Last week, Ben and I were both gone on trips for work so the boys spent several nights with my parents. It was a long week for our family and being together again on Friday was good for all of us. Thank you mom and dad for taking care of the boys while we were away!

Sunday we hosted my family to celebrate my mom's birthday and for a mini-Christmas with Sherri and Rylee (they leave for Oregon later this week, until after Christmas).

Rylee loves horses and cats. This horse isn't made for riding, it's made for pulling but Rylee had her own plan.
Double. Trouble.

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