Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dear Santa

Each December Ben and I spend a considerable amount of time thinking about what gifts to buy our boys for Christmas. Each December the boys spend an equal or greater amount of time telling us they want each toy they see advertised. This year, they've discovered Amazon Wish Lists and they keep adding items to their wish lists in the hopes that we pay attention to them. :-) 
I saw this Christmas list idea on Pinterest one day and decided to print it off and see if the boys would cooperate to fill it out. We encouraged them to give it some thought and it spurred interesting conversation about what they "need." 
 It cracks me up the way Levi spelled "nothing" on the "I'll Read" line. And speaking of Levi, a few weeks ago Ben found Levi shopping on Amazon. He had a shopping cart filled with an electric guitar, a drum set, a keyboard and bench (pretty much everything you need to be a one-man band) and Levi's only question was, "How do I make this ship?"  He had done some good shopping and picked out nice instruments that he was excited to play, he just needed to know how to make them show up on our front porch.
Ahh...Christmas time is nearly here! The excitement is building at our house - now to get all the gifts wrapped that have actually been showing up on our front porch before the boys find them!


  1. Looks like the aunts and uncles will be h.e.r.o.e.s. Wow.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
