Saturday, May 18, 2013


Oh the humidity! Today the air was thick, from start to finish, it felt heavy outside. Thankfully, a decent breeze kept things feeling comfortable. Regardless, Levi was hot. He begged me to let him run through the sprinkler. I knew he'd be cold once the water touch him, so I told him if he got it all set up that it was fine. So he ran into the house, got changed, got his new water shoes on, towel and even his goggles. Lookin' good kid!
He set up the sprinkler, turned it on and then stood around like this for a while:
 But finally worked up the courage to run right through the water. I love the look on his face - so determined.
 Then Noah got in on the action - although he was just as timid about getting wet as Levi had been. They had a great time kicking the soccer ball through the sprinkler,
 until the ball stopped right under the sprinkler! Noah worked up his courage and went for it.

 And just when I though they were done playing in the water, they made a discovery. Noah thought it would be fun to get his bottom wet, and then realized that the sprinkler made it look like he was doing something else. Boy, oh boy they thought that was hilarious!


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