Tuesday, April 9, 2013


We spent our evening preparing for cold weather and chicks! We covered the little garlic and onion plants that have sprouted up in the garden. That was no small task considering how strong the north wind was blowing! The forecast calls for rain turning to ice over night. Just when we thought spring was here for good!
We also spent time preparing a new home for the 25 chicks we're getting tomorrow!
They'll live in this black stock tank in our old milk barn until they're bigger.
 The boys are both very excited to welcome the new chicks to the farm tomorrow.
 We're hoping it all works out and that we manage to keep them all alive....we've read books, talked to friends and family that have chickens and feel like we've got a good handle on it. I guess we'll wait and see, and learn as we go!


  1. I've been wondering where those chickens were! Can't wait to meet them in person.

  2. I'll come visit for sure!

  3. I guess now that I'm anonymous, I'd better sign - Pat

  4. I went outside this morning, and the wind had blown the sheets off my broccoli -- hope you had better luck with your stuff!
