Saturday, January 14, 2012

The trouble with dogs...

is that humans quickly become attached to them.  The trouble with attachment is that we therefore have a terrible time allowing them to suffer.  And, the biggest problem with that is then the dog is pretty much equal to a human...  Or at least Axle is.  You see, on Monday evening Axle cut his leg (maybe on a piece of tin...we're not sure).  We came home to find our dog with a bloody after careful examination, visits from my dad and our friend Brian and all of us standing around looking at Axle...we decided we'd just let the farm vet take a look at in the morning.  Good enough.  Well, in the morning the farm vet was out, looked at Axle, snipped the small piece of flesh that was hanging and said, "He can lick it, he'll be fine."  Great!  That was cheap and easy - two words we like to hear.  Wrong.
 A day later Axle's leg was NOT looking good and he would NOT stop licking it.  We called our vet and took Axle in.  She said he needed stitches and a round of antibiotics to clear up the infection that was growing in his leg.  Great.  So, after a couple days at the vet, stitches and 2 kinds of antibiotics Axle is confined to this collar and inside for two weeks.
 He cannot run or jump for 2 weeks.  That plastic collar just might do us all in yet.  We'll see....
So, hanging around outside feels a little different without Axle running around with us. But, the boys and I had a nice time outside in the sunshine this morning.  
 One of the calf pens is empty at the moment so the boys decided to crawl all over the hay and explore where the calves sleep and so on.  It was great to spend time outside.  No TV, no computer, no fighting over who gets to play with this tractor or that tractor.
 And best of all, after they finished crawling around in the hay - they decided to go pretend to milk!
They were busy for nearly an hour "milking" in the barn.  I spent that time picking metal out of the burn pile.  I know, an hour to myself and I spent it picking through ashes....but it was a satisfying project.  The metal in the burn pile has been driving me nuts and now most of it is gone.  The pile is big and soon enough my dad will scoop it away and dump it elsewhere but it felt good to get some of the most noticeable bits out.  I also established a small fire ring for us to use for burning our trash.  Now if I could only get one line of a clothesline strung I'd really feel productive.
Fire rings and truly is the small things in life that put a smile on this girls face.

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