Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Noah's 5th birthday

I have a lot of emotions, feelings and memories that occupy me on my children's birthdays. Yesterday was no exception. I can't think of any bigger physical challenge then birthing Noah. There is something miraculous about the entire process of growing and birthing a child that simply brings tears to my eyes - especially on their birthdays.

Monday evening, I worked with Noah to make birthday treats for preschool. After the boys went to bed I had some major cleaning up to do in the kitchen (there's nothing messier than rice krispie treats!). Then I decided to make a coffee cake so Noah could have "cake" with a candle in it for breakfast. After baking the coffee cake it was late enough that I didn't get his gifts wrapped. I figured I'd have time on his birthday at some point to do that.

So, on the morning of his birthday I asked excitedly asked him if he wanted a piece of coffee cake for breakfast?! He said, "No, I want a dip egg." (Dip egg is a runny egg to dip toast in.) So, he got a candle in his toast and we sang Happy Birthday to him.

I spent the morning with Noah at preschool. He wore his new John Deere cap and overalls (thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Schrag).
It was fascinating to be a preschool and watch Noah and the other children. They're all such neat kids!
We typed an "email" to me. It said, "Dear Mom, I love you. From, Noah". It was the best pretend email I've ever gotten.

We made Valentines
The proud birthday boy
He handed out his birthday treats at snack time.
And then, everybody got their Valentine sack, sat down on the floor and checked out all the goodies. It was fun to listen to them thank each other for their valentines.

When preschool was over I took Noah to Debbie's house and went to work.
After work, we ate supper at a restaurant (Noah's choice) and then we went bowling (which was a surprise for both the boys).

With bumpers on, Noah nearly beat me. I bet it took a full minute for Levi's ball to travel down the entire lane.

After bowling Noah got to open his presents from us. I never did get around to wrapping them...2 new header trailers (for his combine headers) and an Atlas book. Another gift is being shipped to us...but I'll need to paint it and what not before it'll be ready...

Happy birthday Noah, we love you.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Noah had a wonderful birthday and we enjoyed having Mommy visit preschool! Aunt Pat
