Sunday, May 23, 2010

The end of an era

In the past few weeks, we've been scheming and thinking about transitioning Levi from his crib to the toddler bed. So, in order to make that happen the boys needed to switch rooms. We talked up this change for a while and finally what had been Levi's room was ready for Noah's full-size bed and it was time for the crib to be taken apart.

Ben and I were busy inside rounding up tools and cleaning up supper and in from the garage came Levi.

The boys tried to be helpful as the crib was quickly disassembled. I mostly sat there...remembering my boys being babies in that crib. Remembering how fast they went from newborn infant to crawling in and out of the crib toddlers.

I think I shed a tear or two - sometimes transitions are harder then I anticipate them to be.
But, Levi is just THRILLED to be in a big bed. He's stayed in it when it's time to sleep and proudly walks out of his room to find us each morning.


  1. Oh man! If you finally made the transition...guess that means I need to think about it, too. :) We've got the toddler bed set up in the other room--just haven't moved him yet! How can these two possibly not be babies any more???

  2. You know, I didn't think Levi would do well in the toddler bed. I thought he'd get out of it 100 times a night and that we'd find him jumping on it when he was supposed to be sleeping. But, he hasn't gotten out of it once! And, in the morning he is still so proud of himself that he can get out on his own. Go for it! Or, let Braden start taking naps on the big bed...we did that a couple of times with Levi and thankfully he LOVED it.
