Easter Sunday was a busy day for our family. Somehow, I managed to be involved in 3 different things at church. All three were good things, but when you combine a busy morning at church with Easter it makes for a really full time.
During Children's Church - one of the 3 things I was involved with at church - my mentee Tia and I helped the children make pipe cleaner and ribbon crowns. I was inspired by the illustrations in an Easter book. I had tons of ribbon on hand (I tend to purchase ribbon at the Et Cetera Shop b/c I'm attracted to colorful cheap ribbon) and it just seemed springy and fun and like something to celebrate with.
Anyway, as far as a craft goes it didn't go quite like I had envisioned but the kids seemed to enjoy having them on their heads. Most of them wore them during the Easter egg hunt and it was fun to see the ribbons dance in the breeze.
This photo captures Noah's mood for most of the day. Ben and I couldn't quite figure out why, but he was in a foul/downright awful mood on Easter.

We didn't dye eggs this year or do an egg hunt with the boys. We did get them chickens that laid/pooped bubble gum eggs. The chickens were fun for the whopping 2 minutes that they worked before they broke.

In the evening we gathered at my cousin Megan's house for our Epp gathering. We ate a fabulous meal and enjoyed time together as a family. My sister baked wonderful cupcakes and a to-die-for white chocolate cheesecake with cranberry, raspberry and orange peel sauce on top. It was the perfect ending to our meal.

It was so good to see miss Rylee again. I kept staring at her during dinner amazed at how big, grown up, capable, independent and beautiful she is.

All the kiddos - there's a lot of personality packed into this photo. It's great watching them grow up and change before our eyes.

We actually got a family photo! It's been a year since we last took one. Thanks for being our photographer Megan.

The kids begged the dads and grandpas to play kick ball after the Easter activities wrapped up. They had a rousing game going - shoes were flying and everything!

and then Ben accidentally kicked the wooden home plate. He hopped around in pain for a while, but claimed he was fine. So the game went on. Unfortunately, on Ben's next turn he used his trusty left food to kick a whopper right between second and third base - too bad Caiden's head happened to be between second and third base at the exact same time. It knocked Caiden down and probably gave him headache, but later in the evening he reported to Ben, "That was awesome!" Go figure - leave it to a boy to declare such things. The thing is though, that Ben's foot wasn't actually OK.

He iced it for a while, went to the doctor the next morning and found out he has a hairline fracture. So, crutches and pain killers are helping him hobble around these days. He says it seems to be feeling a bit better and we're all hoping he heals quickly.